Education Finland for All (#57/100)

Education of Finland is unique

The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) has now the task of boosting Finnish education export, with the new growth programme called Education Finland. Name is simple and nails down the concept. No doubt they are committed to the task. Continue reading

“Kill two birds with one stone” (#52/100)

by Riitta Juusenaho, TAKK

This old saying definitely hit my button, as I was invited to give a speech in the 5th National Initiative Education Forum in Beijing and  Principals´ Forum of Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macau Big Bay Area last month. What a great opportunity to advertise our Educational School Camps! Free!

So Ms Jin Muranen from GTE (Global Tampere Education) and I jumped on the plane. In Beijing it was nice summer weather but in Guangzhou we were hit by the tropical heat. Two ladies from the frosted North to a 38 Celsius degree heath, oh boy, oh boy. But we fought like Finns do.

Global Tampere Education well presented in Beijing

When you go to seminars in China, you will soon find out that there are not ten, but hundreds or even thousands of people in the audience, and they are really interested in what you are saying. Especially when it comes to the Finnish education.

For me as a former teacher and a principal, it is always very strange how things that you as a Finn find as a matter of course in schools are new innovations and confusing phenomenons for others. For example school camp pedagogy. Or learning outside classrooms and school buildings or the deep trust between teachers and administrators. Or the lack of inspection system in our schools. Continue reading

Eggs in Many Baskets? (28#/100)

by Ulla Virtanen, TAKK

Or happy chicken in the house?


Well, I’ll try to be clever today. You have chickens. Who have many eggs. You have a hen house and a people house. And you want to have scrambled eggs. What happens if you put all your eggs in one basket and while walking from the hen house to the people house, drop it? That’s it. You’ll stay hungry. What happens if you divide the eggs into two baskets? You’ll end up juggling with two baskets, have no free hands to open the doors with, and you still drop them all. Still hungry. What if you have many baskets, divide the eggs into let’s say three (or x) baskets, take them separately inside, the odds say, dividing the favourable walks (3/x) with all the potential possibilities (the chicken crash the eggs, the lightning hits the basket, the rain starts, your shoe breaks down, etc. etc. (1 342 5754 times), the chance of having them all inside intact is pretty small. This is no good either. Continue reading

Topics 100 – Suomi Finland 100 (#22/100)

Officially IN

TAKK International Blog IN!

TAKK International Blog has been accepted to the Suomi Finland 100 programme. For the celebration, our International Blog in TAKK or takki as we call it (meaning coat) is blue and white, pls see the main site header and the beautiful new logo we have the privilege to use. We have reached already more than two hundred visitors, with almost 750 views in 10 different countries. This is wonderful! Now it is time to boost ourselves for the next almost 80 postings. There are many more topics to cover. Continue reading